“Amejilipua Mkono” Police Officer Blows Off His Hands While Throwing Teargas to Protesters. A Nairobi police officer has blown his fingers few minutes ago. This is according to the verified news source we have around the CBD.
If you have been following the country’s news and updates closely you must have come across the news of the ongoing peaceful demonstration against the finance bill. According to citizens the finance bill is not favoring them in any way as it is overtaxing them. This follows the remarks of the president that for the economy to stabilize people must pay tax heavily.
This led many Kenyans on the streets to hold peaceful demonstrations against the bill. From the videos shared online a lot of people showed up which led to police officers taking control of the CBD and start dispersing citizens with tear gas.
Accudentally as one officer was throwing the tear-gassed canister he blew off his fingers something that has left many people sympathize with him.